The operation of silicon transient absorption diodes is somewhat similar to that of ordinary voltage regulators, and they are clamp type interference absorbing devices; Its application is to be used in parallel with the protected device.
As is well known, the voltage regulator diode must be connected in series with a current limiting resistor during use, otherwise it will be burned out. The maximum operating current of a voltage regulator diode (the maximum operating current refers to the maximum current allowed to pass through the voltage regulator tube during operation) is limited by the maximum dissipated power of the voltage regulator tube (the power at which the heat emitted from the tube will damage the tube when the curre
The "freewheeling diode" we usually refer to is named after its role as a freewheeling in circuits, and fast recovery diodes or Schottky diodes are generally chosen as "freewheeling diodes".
The relationship between the absorption power (peak value) of transient voltage and the pulse width of transient voltage. The manual only provides the absorption power (peak value) at a specific pulse width, while the pulse width in actual circuits can vary unpredictably and needs to be estimated in advance. The wide pulse should be downgraded for use.
There are several types of diodes classified according to their characteristics
There are several types of diodes classified according to their applications